Scavenger Hunt…

So after finally realizing that google searching wasn’t going to cut it, I have found hopefully what I was looking for.

I ended up using ProQuest, which I have never heard of till last class so I figured I would give it a try and found quite a lot. When I put in the search for the first item,An op-ed on a labor dispute involving public school teachers from before 1970, I ended up with this article, a strike without reason. It was very informative and covered the requirements for the scavenger hunt.

The Second item in the scavenger hunt,the first documented use of solar power in the United State, It was a little more difficult because the request itself isn’t that specific in search and therefore, received a lot of broad results on ProQuest. I found some options, but the dates seemed to vary too much and seemed like they were too recent for being the first use of solar power. After much search, I found myself unsatisfied with the dates I was finding and couldn’t really find anything concrete so I just moved on.

The third item on the scavenger hunt’s list, the best resource for the history of California ballot initiatives, including voting data, was kind of frustrating to find on ProQuest and I ended up just not using that sight. Therefore, I ended up searching on google…scholar. I did happen to find this snazzy pdf that fulfilled the credentials it required for the scavenger hunt.

The hunt wasn’t as bad as I thought I was going to be. My immediate thought was, “Oh no! Where am I supposed to search If I can’t google it?!” But eventually I realized there are plenty other search engines out there that prove to be more beneficial academically. I do prefer the way Google goes about their search and how they organize it such as, relevancy verses alphabetically like some do. In terms of research itself, the other university provided search sites are better for legitimate research.

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